“When it was in this one world, they called to me of many televisions, the premises, nationals, etc,… All we know that many programs, not to say, almost all, look for frikis to ***reflx mng themselves of them.
To my, they called to me, because I made something different from the others, that is, it had all the problems to be friki, and to happen amused with me awhile /de my.
I, danced Michael Jackson, and that, meant fanaticism, cegedad to defend to my ídolo, etc,…
Many people we have seen thus in the television. He always went with the clear idea affluent, that I imitated the artist, and that went, for that reason, so that they saw me dance, and to promote my group of dance, who, in the end, I said that it was requisite essential to go to the plate. When he arrived there, he noticed much people, while they made up to me, that watched means to me ing ***reflx mng itself, like saying, you will already see, this one when she leaves, that laughter,…
For the deception of much (I suppose that not of all), after dancing, or before, with the questions that did to me, they saw that I was a NORMAL person, that is to say, left well clear that I liked to dance, to imitate, that I did not like the operations that became fans, that did not go dress like by the street, and that, when they asked to me on Michael, I, defended it, with arguments, clear and precise, that, before, already she had to me prepared, clear. Much people complaint of which Spain, are not a country of artists, and much less of dance,… and are truth.
The television, that is the means commonest and it prevails more between all, uses to notify it bad (misfortunes) and to remove frikis, so that we ***reflx mng ourselves of them and we think,… me I cannot think as much, that there are people thus,…, that, sometimes we thought that they are actors (that some will be it).
In some forum of dance, I read much how they complain bailarines/as professional which there is much no future in Spain here, and that they have to go away to France or more far to develop his art,…
it is sad, but it is thus,…. the dance, or the art in general,… does not sell, just as, do not sell the good news,….“
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