One leagues together dancing? When I danced, assiduously, much people asked to me who if she bound, that if she were successful with the girls. Even memory that until me Vázquez asked to it to Jesus, in the program of This is my people (Telemadrid). The truth, is that no, I suppose that the girls watch you of a different form after the reason, of whom already I have written in some article, is rare to see a boy dance, and defend themselves so well.
They say that to dance, love is like to do, I suppose that for that reason, is so sensual, that there are people whom they like so much to see it, I believe that at heart, for that reason the spectacles please so much of dance, and more concretely those of Magazine,… Now not as much, because dance separated (my grandfather me say, that now, not be dance, be make the crazy person) before, dance take, small and small, or for a vals, like for tango, chotis (Madrid), etc,…
To dance, after all, is to make the love, but with the eyes, it is a insinuamiento to the people who see us,… Right now, I am thinking about break-er, somebody that break does, is like making the love? perhaps you think that no, that he does not have anything to do, but he depends on the people that sees it,… we remember that to many girls they like the bad boys, reveldes,…. break, is a dance of reveldes, bad,… and ALSO they can insinuate, although to our grandparents, it seems to them ridiculous,…:)
Really, there is nothing no better than to dance, without fear to which they think of you, of how they watch to you, for or, or badly, and to move the body, this, is the important thing, and the others, is not to dance,….
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