martes, 11 de enero de 2011

ayuda para que MTV le devuelva un premio a Michael!

Asunto: ayuda para que  MTV le devuelva un premio a Michael!

El plazo se acaba este jueves 13 de enero de 2011 . por favor envia la carta no cuesta nada hacer esto para ayudar a Michael. ¡ GRACIAS!
Lorena Cárdenas Rivera


envía esta carta para que le devuelvan a Michael un premio que le quietaron injustamente los señores de MTV en 2005 que era el "premio vídeo más vanguardista"
Asunto: "We want MTV to Reinstate the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award"

- C.C. :

Dear Sirs,

The reason that I contact with you is because I think it was unfair to remove of the award MTV, Michael Jackson´s name.
Michael Jackson has been and will continue to be an artist unsurpassed in all fields of music, but particularly in music videos, nobody has been able to overcome and I do not think anyone can overcome it.
I can you give some examples as:

- Thriller broke with the whole concept far had a music video.
- Black or White, for being the first to use the Morphing and be the most watched both worldwide and more sent within 24 hours.
- Scream, the most expensive video.

I left me many video and many more reasons, but surely you know very well all these data not included.
In life, you discredited it unfair, I think something very nice in his honor, in honor of his career that you respect his name.
Please, the music world should never forget who was Michael Jackson.

Thank you very much for your attention.
(nombre y apellido verdadero) you name and surname
(FIRMA) (sign)

__ Sobre el Autor: deiviT bailaMj (David Avila) fue: - Primer Premio Nacional de Imitadores de Michael Jackson. - Creador y fundador del primer Grupo de Baile de Michael Jackson (gbmj) - Ha realizado actuaciones por toda España y - numerosas apariciones televisivas. Contratar: (+34) 659 78 90 66 Autor del Libro Bailar-Bien.

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