To create and to maintain a dance group, are not Far from easy,…
I am committed to someday write something extensive of how doing it। I believe that most difficult it is to maintain it, is not to create it। To create it is: “Who scores to make a group of dance? ”, “To my I like to dance! , I score”, “and! ”, “I also! ”,… He depends on the objectives, he is very complicated to obtain optimal results in the choreographies,… With the music groups, passes something similar, if the battery the taking in serious, and does not come to the ensaños when it can,… badly subject,… the good thing of a dance group, is that nobody is essential, any dancer, it can replace another dancer, and even a girl, can replace a boy,… (another day we will speak of the difference of dance between boy and girl…।)
Through my classes they have happened more than 100 people। and of all the ages, but NO! I have not had 100 students simultaneously! God frees to me! if with 20 it costs to me to organize to them, imagínate with 100! uf… nonthanks! :) So that 100? Many people come, prove, they like, and they do not return,… so that? Because they need a motivation, something immediate, also by impediments that seem very simple like the distance, nevertheless, is certain, do not return,… I was months and months, thinking and proving strategies so that people returned, like for example:
To pay first day, to make casting, so that they see that it is not easy to enter, distribute to them information serious and completes, include to them in a next performance, etc,…। but nothing,… this is like the gymnasium, all we scored, and in the end we go 2 days, and we do not return,…
What always it has worked, is to create a relation friendship good-roll, in plan family, although I recognize, that from outside, we seemed a sect! God mine! nothing else far,… because we went to all together sites, almost all, compenetrábamos us much, etc,…
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